(Almost) Complete Database of Pop Music Česky

Last Update: May 26, 2024          Total of: 367 270 artists

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Calendar for 02.06.2024

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Guest Book Notes Sources Acknowledgements

In spite of great effort, the author is not capable to ensure the absolute data integrity. Any suggestions, supplementary information and proposals about the site contents and/or design are welcome as well as the offers of cooperation, sponsoring, advertising etc.

This web was launched on June 1, 2000.

© Miroslav Jurčeka (1989-2022)
Line-Up Albums Videos Various Refers
*  1991


Mark Free - voc
Bruce Gowdy - g
Larry Antonino - bg
Guy Allison - kb
Jay Schellen - ds

Albums Discography:

#TitleRelease DateLabelTypeUKUSA
1.Unruly Child
produced by: Beau Hill
1992 Interscope
2.Waiting For The Sun16.11.1998IRS
3.The Basement Demos12/2002 Frontiers
5.Can't Go Home24.02.2017Frontiers

Mark Free:

#TitleRelease DateLabelTypeUKUSA
1.Long Away From Love1993 Now And Then
2.Tormented1996 Long Island

Larry Antonino:

#TitleRelease DateLabelTypeUKUSA
1.Village Strut11.07.2006BCS


1. The Basement Demos - 12/2002, Frontiers


Bruce Gowdy:

appeared on the LP:

Glenn Hughes: Feel (10/95, SPV)

Larry Antonino:

appeared on the LP:

Brad Gillis: Gilrock Ranch (1993, Guitar)
Sircle Of Silence: Sircle Of Silence (4/94, X Change)

Press References:

Big Beng!
19983829.10.1998319Hard & Heavy Masters
20022020.12.200240Forum kritikumalbum review
2003117.01.200343Forum kritikumalbum review